Monika Benkovic | Sound Therapist in training

Monika is a certified yoga instructor with training in many different styles of yoga including Hatha-Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin, the Art & Science of Meditation and Nada Yoga - the yoga of sound and music.
Her passion for music has always played a prominent role in her yoga classes by the use of healing frequencies, instruments, Cymatics and curated playlists. When Monika enrolled in Phil Jacobs' Sound Therapy Program she felt right at home and eager to learn more about the benefits of sound healing.

Monika is currently offering group sessions with her Sound & Vision experience in Southern Ontario as well as taking on one-on-one clients as an apprentice to the modalities of Sound Therapy before graduating in December of 2022.

Currently Monika is using curated playlists, projected fractal images, Tibtan brass bowls and Crystal Quartz bowls in her sessions. While sessions are open and welcome to all, Monika focuses on art as a form of therapy in conjunction with sound and helping people who suffer with addictions and highly sensitive nervous systems (HSPs & Empaths).

Get in touch with Monika for upcoming group sessions, booking and one-on-one consultations (in-person and online).

Lisa Wilvert

Stratford, Ontario

 Travelling in Nepal in 2010, Lisa discovered the healing power of sound while learning the therapeutic use of Himalayan singing bowls with planetary frequencies.  This led Lisa to study the use of sound in meditation and its practical application for anxiety and other mental health concerns during her Masters of Pastoral Studies in Buddhism at the University of Toronto.  During the Sound Therapy Practitioners Training program with Toronto Sound Therapy, Lisa looks to integrate Eastern philosophies and techniques, supported by neuroscience.  Her greatest hope envisions sound therapy with singing bowls to transcend trauma and allow the jewel within each one of us to shine and reflect its beauty.